After hearing that line in "The family that preys", I started thinking. Which of the above am I doing? I think considering the shape of this blog, the answer is obvious.
Exist (v.)- To live at a minimal level
Live (v.)- To pursue a positive, satisfying existence; enjoy life
(both from
I want to live. Simply put, I'm tired of the situation I'm in. I need more passion in my life. I've spent too much time being droll, boring, and living a life of unfufilled waiting. I had opportunities slip past because of stupid reasons. I've managed to rationalize myself into the ground.
It's time to make my blog personal again. Start being the guy who I keep saying I am, or at least the one who I'm trying to be. I need to do something every day that is productive. Certainly, every day cant be an adventure, but why cant my days be interesting. Why can't I embrace all that life has to offer?
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